coi rodo
For a while now, I've had some problems trying to get an English-lojban
dictionary from jbovlaste. Even when I managed to get one, I found searching
it to be a pain.

So I downloaded the XML file, and re-formatted it to the format expected by
OpenOffice. I then opened the file in OO, and exported it to a PDF. My
version has a few advantages over the "official" jbovlaste-exported PDF:

   - It's available online, so it can be just downloaded. It does not need
   to be "generated"
   - It has both a Lojban to English section, and an English to Lojban
   - Easy searching. At the first line of every definition there is a list
   of the word itself, and each of its rafsi, surrounded by dollar signs. For
   example, on the first line of xamgu, there's $xamgu$ $xag$ $xau$. But these
   items are in tiny white letters, so you can't see them. Your PDF reader
   (tried with Acrobat and Preview) can, so if you see a rafsi in use "ba'u"
   and want to know what it is, you search for $ba'u$ and learn that it's a
   rafsi of bacru, and also get the definition of bacru

Please download this from the link below, and let me know if you feel this
is useful. If so, I can make a new "edition" every month or every other

mu'o mi'e ioav

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