.ui coi tadni

We are very active in #lojban on freenode, and I teach classes for beginners
there on a regular basis. You can feel free to e-mail me personally for more
information about the lessons, or contact me on IRC about it.

mu'o mi'e .kribacr.

On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 9:04 PM, Cebalo Jason <
jason_andrew_ceb...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:

> coi rodo,
> Just a quick note to introduce myself, my name is Jason Ceablo and I'm
> currently studying for a liberal arts degree with a majour in Philosophy at
> Campion College in Sydney Australia.
> I've known about and been interested in Lojban for a while but have just
> recently decided to put the work in to actually teach myself.
> Well, thats me, hopefully will have the chance to meet other interested
> types in the not too distant futrure.
> Best Wishes to all,
> la djeison.tsebalos

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