At Fri, 26 Jan 2001 14:58:28 +0000, David Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > I've had a couple of mail disasters which have meant me losing the 
> > odd days-worth here or there, but I'm pretty sure I've got all of 
> > the really early ones. I've even got the ones where it was just me 
> > CCing a bunch of people.
> I just snarfed Richard's archive, don't suppose you could flesh it 
> out with the messages before that?

Very happy to do so, but I won't be in the vicinity of my PC that has
them on it until Sunday. I'll sort them out then.

<embarassment level="slight">
It'll be in Eudora mbox format which is pretty similar to _real_ mbox
but for some reason Eudora doesn't store the envelope 'From' header 
so each entry starts 'From xxx@xxxx' or something like that - full
details in the 'Programming Internet Email' book.


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