On Tue, 27 Mar 2001, David Cantrell wrote:
> Because we didn't acquire a taste for lager but rather had it shoved down
> our throats by marketroids who saw an opportunity to mass-produce fizzy
> crap instead of brewing properly.
> Anyway, Shurely you're forgetting about the Netherlands, Belgium and the
> Czech Republic, all of whom manufacture some fine lagers.

/me only drinks belgian beers/lagers.. or ales/bitter esp not any of that
american crap.


<A HREF = "http://termisoc.org/~betty"> Betty @ termisoc.org </A>
"As a youngster Fred fought sea battles on the village pond using a 
complex system of signals he devised that was later adopted by the Royal 
Navy. " (this email has nothing to do with any organisation except me)

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