On Wed, Mar 28, 2001 at 12:46:43PM +0100, Robin Szemeti wrote:

> nahh .. not much of a games fan .. so 3d is rather wasted on me .. but
> I'll keep winders (which is already annoying the F..k out of me [1]) fo
> rthngs like Autoroute and the like, which are actually very good .. in a
> windoze sort of way.

vmware is your friend.  I use it for Autoroute and Amipro.  I installed
Win98 in vmware.

>                               first time I've used windoze in a year or
> so and its anoying the hell out of me so far. 

I had to use Windows very briefly today (I wanted to see if my PCMCIA
hard disk was supported).  It was.  But it still annoyed me by its
horrible clunkiness.  But what *really* pissed me off is that Windows
will not let me re-partition that disk.  Presumably because the disk
has a Sun disklabel on it.  Piece of shit.  Fuck knows how I'm going
to fix that.  Hopefully if I delete the partitions under Solaris then
Windows will be able to re-partition it.  I really don't want to have
to build a new Linux kernel with Sun disklabel support, cos I have
no idea whether this device is supported or not.

I want to use it to transfer stuff from my sister's old Doze laptop to
her new one.  I don't have enough NICs to do it properly, and using
a PCMCIA SCSI card and a CD burner seems like overkill :-)

David Cantrell | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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