On Mon, 14 May 2001, you wrote:
> > Just because they can't deliver those promises for those costs doesn't
> > mean no one else can. If they knew they couldn't deliver within those
> > cost constraints why did they lie and say they could?
> Because they are (right-wing) politicians. Just look at the absurd
> promisises Hague's lot are making now and they're also talking about doing
> it with even *less* money (UKP 8 billion, isn't it?) Besides, they have
> (more or less) kept most of the promises they made. I was talking about my
> disappointment that they didn't go further by raising tax revenue.

umm .. I wasn't saying that Hagues lot would be any better. I was saying
that this lot had failed to deliver what they said they would. Hospital
waiting lists are up, so are class sizes in schools. My taxes have gone
up. I didn't expect them to succeed, but I object to them telling me that
they have.

> The tories are going to have low tax and pay for improved public services
> through "cracking down on benefit fraud", apparently. Gah, if only someone
> had thought of that before. 'Cos you can solve a long-term underfunding
> problem by skinting out a few dodgy crusties.

The problem isn't particularly underfunding. The teachers I know tell me
how classes run riot and they are powerless to stop them. the
teachers eventually leave for schools where you can actully teach
without being assaulted. Parents simply don't care. The few that do care 
and manage to get their kids into the local grammar school are no doubt
thrilled at the prospect of the pirates-charter introduced by this
government which allows a bunch of 'activists' to cook up a petition of
phoney names and get a grammar school turned into a comprehensive.  Its
simple jealousy 'we've wrecked our school and now we're going to wreck
yours' .. its social decline.

Hospitals are much the same. Theres enough cash, but it seldom ends up in
the right place.

Basically .. what we need is a change in government, not just a change in
the people implementing (or failing to implement) the same policies.

Robin Szemeti

The box said "requires windows 95 or better"
So I installed Linux!

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