On Sat, 19 May 2001, Nathan Torkington wrote:

> Robin Houston writes:
> > Don't forget the ever-fabulous http://corvin.spb.ru/
> I'd also like to say that I'm pretty disgusted that the Perlmongers,
> of all people, would advocate pirating the Camel.  Yeah, way to thank
> Larry!

I'm not entirely sure that anyone was actively advocating piracy.  Anyhow
it appears that Russia whilst not a signatory of the Berne Convention is
(suprisingly) a signatory of the Universal Copyright Convention of 1952
whereby :

   each member state grants the same protection to works (whether
   published or not) of nationals of, and to works first published in ,
   any other member state as it grants to its nationals for works first
   published in its territory or unpublished works created within its

So in principle the copyright owners of the pirated material could seek
redress if they were thus inclined, of course "as it grants to its
nationals" might have no value whatsoever in a Russian context.  But IANAL
YMMV ...


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