On Tue, 22 May 2001, David H. Adler wrote:

> > Hey, maybe it's one of those cheapo 'made in China' jobs. Of course,
> > if it paid for a Martin or a Lowden or something else equally lovely,
> > then well done Mr Adler.
> Ah, I wish...
> The truth is somewhere in between.  I got a Burns Marquee.  The reason I
> was able to do so is that, although it's a perfectly good guitar, they
> weren't selling.  

seen em .. not bad. I'd one day like a Patrick Eggle 'Berlin'  right now
I'm enjoying a cute little Steinberger headless  .. dirt cheap these
days and rather fun. :) Best of all its so small .. add in a Korg Pandora
2 personal effects/amp and you have the ultimate hotel room practice set

Robin Szemeti                       
Redpoint Consulting Limited
Real Solutions For A Virtual World 

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