* Dave Cross ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> So I come home this evening to find 150 new emails from london.pm[1]
> The vast majority of them were completely content-free. And I don't need
> two (void)s in my live.

come on, it isn't as bad as (void) yet, after all when was the last
time someone had a mini-rant here about the mental scarring they
received due to the rainbow song ;-) 

however, while we are on the subject of childhood, does anyone
remember the TV show called "Oscar the rabit"?

i think Lee's post caused a lot of the emails your talking about,
but that will be worth it in the end, when we have a shiny London.pm
map. oh and the rest were caused by your post ;-)

i'm sure we will be back to normal soon.

so does anyone have any fun maths problems for this weekend?
unusual ways to calculate pi? i remember when i was very young,
doing a calculation that made spheres out of infinite circles
in an effort to calculate it, of course i just ended up
realising why trig functions were linked to pi.

but someone must have some fun little teaser that we can
play with in Perl?


Greg McCarroll                      

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