* Lucy McWilliam ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Agreed.  Not saying the following are the greatest, but I sure find them
> amusing -

> The Crow

Goff ;-)

, The Matrix, 

Goffish ;-)

> Dark City,

Goffish ;-)

> Contact, 

beautiful beautiful film, but probably not as beautiful as Moulin Rouge
or American Beauty

> Element, 

who was the black host, he was wonderful!

> Little Shop of Horrors

similar and yet so inferiror to RHPS 

> The Lost Boys, 

Goff ;-)

> Gattaca

good film, due to great book

> ~/ Run to the Hills .... Run for your Liiiiiiiiivvves /~

A great chorus, for an average song, that was the best of a poor bands


Greg McCarroll                       

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