On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 09:01:41AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
> From: "David H. Adler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 9/25/01 4:26:44 PM
> >On Tue, Sep 25, 2001 at 08:22:09AM -0700, Dave Cross wrote:
> [about Charlie's Angels]
> >> Greg recently persuaded me that this wasn't as bad as I 
> >> thought it would be, so I watched it. He was _so_ wrong. 
> >> Personally I need a bit more than 90 minutes of vaguely 
> >> attractive young women doing kung fu in order to enjoy a 
> >> film :)
> >
> > See, now, I happen to think there's more to it than 
> > that.  It's got a sense of humor about itself, if nothing 
> > else.  It's also possible that I got exposed to the 
> > original series more than those of you over the other
> > side of the pond, so may have some odd kind of 
> > appreciation for it.
> WARNING - The following is getting dangerously close to being
> a rant :)
> I saw _plenty_ of the series as I was growing up. 

Ok.  Wasn't sure if it really played over there.  Of course, I'm still
smarting from skud's comment of "Oh, my grandfather watched that..." :-/

> I still enjoy it today. But only because it's an artifact of it's
> time. 25 years ago the majority of people _did_ think of women as
> clothes horses. I just get depressed that in the year 2000 we're
> making films that still perpertuate those ideas. There _are_ people
> who will argue that it's some kind of "post-feminist", "girl power"
> story when, in fact, it's the kind of thing that puts back the women's
> movement by a good fifteen years. Here's Joe Queenan writing on that
> very subject at the time the film came out:


Although I like Joe's writing a lot, I don't always agree with him.  I
think this may be one of those times.  On the other hand, I don't really
have the time or urge to really think this all through to the extent I
would have to to actually argue it, so I'm happy to agree to disagree.

> > Besides, Cameron Diaz has *such* a lovely smile...
> She's a very talented comic actor and aftr seeing "Being John
> Malchovich[sp?]" I have great hopes for her. This doesn't, of
> course, mean that every film she's in will be worth watching.

True.  And I agree that she's *very* good.  I don't think she gets to do
enough really good stuff.

David H. Adler - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://www.panix.com/~dha/
* Nathan_Roberts screams out loud, "IS THIS ENTIRE CHANNEL COMPOSED
   OF BOTS?!?!?"
<TheProf> Kill the human.         - from the #drwhochat Quotefile

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