Merijn Broeren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Well, I have a board and stones... But they're not very 'carrying on
>> the tube' friendly.
> Shall I bring my travel go kit next pm meeting? It's a metal board with
> little plastic stones with magnets in the bottom. It's been awhile since
> i played, I used to play at clublevel in Holland a long time ago.
> Stopped at the point where I had to study to get any better :-) No 
> desire to learn yosekis by heart. 

I learned to play in Amsterdam too. Hugo van der Sanden taught me the
basics and I then proceeded to lose lots and lots of games at the
Amsterdam Go Club at Twee Klaveren on De Clercqstraat (I think that
was the street). Was a *staggeringly* strong club though. Most seemed
to be 2 dan or higher.

> Brings back good memories though, I will never forget my greatest sense
> of accomplishment in go. I was playing in a 20 or so simultanous match
> against a chinese go professional player. She was walking past the boards 
> and making the moves, almost to quick to allow you to think of your own
> next move. Somewhere in the middle of our game I managed to wriggle
> myself into a position where she would lose. 
> She stopped at my board. And thought. And all the other players looked
> over at us. At the deep thought I managed to provoke. Afte ra long while 
> she made her move. I lost the game with that one move. ;-)

You made her think! Bravo that man.


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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