On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 04:05:40PM +0200, Marcel Grunauer wrote:
> (Actually, that's an indication of a more general pattern - start
> work at a company, write code for months, which shortly thereafter
> gets thrown away and replaced by something different, usually Java
> or Zope - or the company goes the way of all dot-coms. Repeat ad
> nauseum. It's like nothing you do has any impact. Oh well, maybe
> time to find a more rewarding line of work as well - while we're
> at it.)

I think I've been in a similar position - for at least 2 years I believe
that everything I've done at work has been thrown away (3 firms going
under). Possibly the job before that as well.

For example, about the only useful thing I did at boo.com that benefits
the rest of the world is bug ID 19990805.004 (and you can see how tenuous
that "benefit" is).

Not sure how long the thing I'm currently doing for the BBC will be in use

Nicholas Clark

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