> Lately I've been wondering more and more why I keep writing and
> releasing modules, as no one ever seems to use them or even notice
> - there's zero feedback.


CPAN authors like your self is the reason that I work with Perl
and well, basically can earn a living!

Ok, hands up, I haven't used any of your modlues, but I just
haven't had the need. Though I must admit that I haven't
thanked authors of CPAN modules unless I've met them personally
and even then you feel a little shy to.

So.... THANKS!!! - and thats to everyone. I wow people at work
with the speed at which I develope  - Friday being an example, where
I was given a spec at 4 and by 6 (to go live at 7) I had finished
the system which was needed. Without Template Tooliit, DBI and
Net::FTP it would have taken me days if not longer!

I have gone to a new company and introduced just a few modules
that the team did not know about (also told them about CPAN!!)
as a result the current project is 2 weeks AHEAD (yes, not behind!)
schedual (well technically, content and design are weeks behind
but thats someone elses problem).

CPAN authors are invaluable to Perl and the community as a whole.
I don't know how to thank you guys enough, but lets make some
way of doing it. - reviews.cpan.org - rating system with comments
where people can give feedback ?

Module Name:
Rating: X posative Y negative
Hours saved: - people enter how many hours the module has saved them.

Name, Rating, Comment

I'm sure there will be lots of political reasons against this,
but what ever happens I intend to start emailing authors if
I use a new module or even if an old module helps me do something

To sum up, please don't get dishartend, you are all helping
make Perl what it is! - and I love it :)


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