On Sunday, October 28, 2001, at 12:17  AM, Nik Butler wrote:

> Most of all though as your self this .
> Did you write your code for your benefit or theirs ?

I have asked myself that; certainly because I enjoy playing around
with new ideas and, as they say, to scratch an itch - so, for my
benefit. But hopefully also for *their's*, as there are a lot of
experiments with the language and certain concepts going on at the
moment, and we need to find out where it's going; what is going to
be interesting and used and what is not.

That's what these modules are: Experiments. Usually not things you
can use right-away in production, more like proofs-of-concept;
things that are based on experimental code themselves. Because of
that they depend on feedback quite a lot; to see whether a direction
is worth exploring.

To all who replied:

I wanted to say thanks for all your encouragement, especially for
Aspect, which is very much experimental and in the very beginning
stages. As Tony suggested in private mail, I'm going to (try to)
start more smaller discussions around certain issues regarding
Aspect, instead of one big 'here it is' announcement.


Aspect-Oriented Perl            http://codewerk.unixbeard.net/aspects/
cpan> install Aspect

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