> 3. Stuff that's very cool and I can see an application for but just
> Not This Week. Quantum::Superposition fits that niche, probably
> because it was so well explained :-) "any" and "all"....cool. I'm
> sure Aspect would fall into this category if I'd been subjected to a
> talk on it. Robin Houston also has this knack, for me, of making
> weird stuff cool. I'd like to know what other stuff's out there in
> this category.

Hey, I downloaded Aspect and it blew me away, and I've never seen
Marcel speak about it. Though I will confess I mentioned using
Hook::LexWrap to do something on IRC and Marcel said 'Take a look at
Aspect which does some of what you want' and he was dead right. 


   "It is a truth universally acknowledged that a language in
    possession of a rich syntax must be in need of a rewrite."
         -- Jane Austen?

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