"Tommie M. Jones" wrote:
> I am trying to get some input on a Perl based Email Archiver/Indexer.  I
> chose london.pm as one of my test mail list.
> The Web interface is located at http://www.intelliforge.com
> I will be submitting it to freshmeat if no major errors are found.
> Anyway feel free to make any suggestions.
> Thank you

In case of flame, consider this a general purpose flame of the state of
the "art" of mail archiving software, rather than your system

Most mail archives suck.

The *thread* is the only sensible level for understanding most comments
on mailing lists, which are often short & pithy & have little substance
by themselves, but are very useful in context. Even archives which will
thread tend to make the user plod through a thousand pages, hopping
through "next in thread / previous in thread" stuff. Such fragmentation
also pollutes googles: I say

> I just saw Stanley Kubrick's "Barry Lyndon"! The crazy bastard filmed by candlelight 
>on ISO ~100
> film stock!

& everyone who replies generates a new entry in the search results!

So: display by thread. *PLEASE*. Or at least have big thread-pages as an
*option*, splitting rilly huge threads into multiple pages.

The top page that shows all the mails at various times isn't v.
informative - OK, so David Cross said something at 2010-01-01 00:00:00
(probably happy new year) - but what? How do I know which link to click?
Consider showing the first few (unquoted?) words of the mail, or

There is information overload. It is raining very heavily. I do *NOT*
want an umbrella, I want a storm drain, some dams, and a hydro plant.
And possibly some beavers to hang around, look cute, and puzzle

(um, coat please ...)

Tim Sweetman |  http://www.aldigital.co.uk/     (my opinions, etc)
A L Digital  |  "It's way too broke to fix" --- Placebo

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