On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, nemesis wrote:

> > Made me wonder - what is the fastest method of user input into a
> > computer. 
> > 
> > We all know that the QWERTY keyboard was designed to slow us down. 
> > So, anyone know any good mechanisms which are designed to speed us up? 
> I think the DVORAK keyboard would be the alternative[0], designed for
> speed. 

IIRC, in _Psychology of Everyday Things_, the author cited studies
suggesting that skilled typists could generally expect to get about the
same rate on QWERTY or DVORAK keyboards. 

He suggested that moving from QWERTY to DVORAK involved a slight learning
curve, but once you're comfortable with it you aren't likely to get
significantly better typing speeds, though you might find it more
comfortable to work with.

On the other hand, many would assume that a "simple" alphabetic keyboad
might be easy to learn and fast to use, but in fact neither of these
assumptions is borne out, and it's actually much harder to keep up with

Also note, if you're considering DVORAK, that it's designed to favor right
handedness. That's fine if you're right handed, but if you're left handed
then the benefit of that layout largely vanishes, and it really does just
become in most ways comparable to QWERTY. 

As for truly faster, speech-speed input -- how about a microphone? Speech
recognition software might not be perfect yet (or ever), but you can at
least dictate to a file for later retrieval/transcribing. Alternatively,
the GUI could arguably be faster than speech for some tasks -- at least it
feels like it when you're standing behind someone, trying to get them to
print out a document and saying "no click *there* ...now click *here*...
...ok now click on *this* *that* and hit OK. Oh nevermind this is taking
forever, just hit Control+P so we can skip to the end..." :) 

But for inputting text, all the current software & hardware seems to be
optimized for some variation of the conventional keyboard...

Chris Devers

"Okay, Gene... so, -1 x -1 should equal what?" "A South American!"    
[....] "no human can understand the Timecube" and Gene responded
 without missing a beat "Yeah.  I'm not human."

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