On Thu 21 Feb 2002, Roger Burton West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...] the advantages of a supermarket seem to be:
> - if you don't have one in walking distance, you'll be able to park a
> car there, which you won't for many markets.

I try to shop at local shops rather than supermarkets partly because I
used to live somewhere where the local shops were pretty crap and I'm
fairly sure that this was because there was a nearby out-of-town
supermarket that all the people who could afford to have cars went to
shop at.  Yes, you could walk there, but it took over half an hour to
get there and longer to get back (uphill): quite a walk just to get a
packet of teabags.  Oh, and there was a bus that went there once a
week at some ridiculously inconvenient time.  (This was a shitty (do I
get yelled at for saying "shitty" on list, or is it only "fuck" that
I'd get told off for?) council estate on top of a hill in the middle
of nowhere.  Oh look, streetmap. Roughly here:

So I want to support my local shops, because driving to a supermarket
is not an option for everybody.  This is possibly mainly a matter of
principle in Hammersmith -- there is a "Sainsbury's Local" within easy
reach of my house at least, but that seems to sell mostly expensive
posh food anyway.

Also the people in the shops I use on Fulham Palace Road know me now
and say hello to me when I pass their shops on the way home; never had
anyone in Sainsbury's do that to me.


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