On Wed, May 22, 2002 at 04:27:38PM +0100, Chris Ball wrote:
> eleven CD Oracle 8i installation set, and told me to have fun with the
> client libraries.

Installing 8i client software on debian is a doddle. Just fire up the
main install on the main CD and select "install client software". The
Java even works(!) so you can happily run the full UI management
beasties too, if you so desire.

There is some stuff you may need to diddle with, but it's out there on
the net and easily findable & applies to red hat anyway (missing
apostrophes in install scripts & other wee horrors). I can help offline
if you get stuck. 8.1.5 is quite a bit messier than later versions,

You will without doubt waste more time fscking with redhat than it will
cost you installing it with debian. Not because redhat sucks (*cough*)
but your invested time in debian won't be being used, IMO.

If your lazy admin ever tries that kind of smart-ass bullshit again,
point out that Oracle don't support Red Hat any more. (Did someone say
fscked gcc library snapshots in production releases?) OK, they don't
support Debian either :-)


Paul Makepeace ....................................... http://paulm.com/

"What is the way home? Temporary pride is just a dream."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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