> If your lazy admin ever tries that kind of smart-ass bullshit 
> again, point out that Oracle don't support Red Hat any more. 
> (Did someone say fscked gcc library snapshots in production 
> releases?) OK, they don't support Debian either :-)

Actually, it's because Larry(*) doesn't like competition and RedHat
poked him with a sharp-stick called "Postgres" in that ballpark.

I tried to get Oracle 8i (8.1.7) under FreeBSD's Linux emulation
following on-the-net documentation (which all appears to be sourced from
the same documentation, but modified minutely for each page it appears
on including the handbook).

It spammed my logs with a lot of noise about trap 9 all over the place

One can't help but think that SQL*Plus was going to be called SQL++ but
it went to the printers with the first + crossed out...


(*) Not Wall(**)
(**) Be praised

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