On Sun, Jul 07, 2002 at 06:22:50PM +0100, Paul Makepeace said:
> How do you see this working? Some people get munged, and others not?

It's basically a way of getting round the "This mailing list should be
reply-to munged. Oh no it shouldn't. Oh yes it should." wars. The user
makes a choice. 

(void) does it by having two mailing lists with routing between them
using no-mail subbed addresses - they're called (void) and (void-pure)
but it would be better to have it in the MLM. 

Basically - if you want the reply-to munged then you get the mails with
the reply-to set to the list address. If you're a kook then you don't.

: it was a good game - the rules were simple

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