On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 12:51:22AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:

>Anyway, one of the (non enforced) rules is that you don't link from
>yourself to another person unless you play the 'bodily fluid' get out
>rule - if you're blood relatives or seeing somebody. Instead you link
>through other entities such as houses, workplaces, universities and
>online cabals (such as, err, this mailing list). The reasoning behind
>this is that I thought that it would be more scaleable - if I had a link
>to all my friends and all my friends had a link to all my other friends
>then it could get very messy, very quickly.

I think you should probably have both. I know how to get in touch with
everyone who posts to this list; but I don't know, say, Shevek, from
anything beyond his list posts, whereas I know Nick Cleaton because I
used to work with him... and the ex-Torrington people I keep up with are
no longer "ex-Torrington" in my mind but just "people I know".

I suspect I'd have a description field on the link, which might be
"common workplace" or "shared house"...


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