On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 11:49:48AM +0100, Simon Wistow wrote:
> This is something I've been looking at for some freelance consultancy
> work on mobile communities.
> There are 4 interlinked problems :
> 2) Too much traffic and people get swamped and kind of just zone out and
> skim read a lot of stuff. On a mobile device this swamping can happen
> very quickly. People also don't like paying to download content they're
> not going to read.
> 4) If you don't then people might get narked about paying to download
> Arsenal gossip and getting Buffy spoilers. Plus it can act as an
> inhibitor to people joining - they get there, take one look and scarper

I don't think a per-piece model works for content. Take a look at the way
The Economist web site handles premium content. The per piece model they 
have is pretty clearly designed to drive people towards a subscription.

I would almost consider buying a subscription if their pro-war stance
wasn't quite so repugnant. I'll settle for scarfing the free content
off their website.


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