On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Toby|Wintrmute wrote:

> Speaking of Word docs, what do u with job applications that demand your CV in
> MS Word format?

If it's an agency, I suspect it's not worth your effort to do anything
other than send it as a word doc.  There have been some rumours that if
you have an html or other format, and just call it cv.doc, then MS Word
will be called to open it, and the agent will be none the wiser, but
utlimately, most agencies and websites will then take your beautifully
contructed word doc, and then mangle it in all sorts of interesting
manners, randomly reformat it, take out any useful links you've listed,
ReCapitalise some words for you, and then spit it out to potential

> The last job I applied for (and took) actually refused to accept MS Word
> docs. Good to see some people with sense :)

You'd think they'd learn from all the word-borne viruses that they'd
consider some sort of alternatives, I don't envy the support staff who
have to maintain the machines of people who opens hundreds of unsolicited
word documents.  But finding firms where the geeks collect the CVs is
tricky, and just because the HR department suck doesn't necessarily make
it a bad place.

the hatter

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