On Wed Oct 23 08:55:17 2002, the hatter wrote:
> On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, Toby|Wintrmute wrote:
> > Speaking of Word docs, what do u with job applications that demand your CV in
> > MS Word format?
> If it's an agency, I suspect it's not worth your effort to do anything
> other than send it as a word doc.

I always send HTML.  Only once did an agent reply and say he needed a
Word document.  I told him that if he wasn't capable of opening an HTML
document in Word, then he isn't capable of finding me a job.  Most
agents are bad enough, so I don't have time to waste on the really
stupid ones.

> There have been some rumours that if you have an html or other format,
> and just call it cv.doc, then MS Word will be called to open it,

Well, that worked for me when uploading to a site that required Word

> but utlimately, most agencies and websites will then take your
> beautifully contructed word doc, and then mangle it in all sorts of
> interesting manners, randomly reformat it, take out any useful links
> you've listed, ReCapitalise some words for you, and then spit it out
> to potential employers.

gojobsite.co.uk converts your CV to Word, but you download the finished
product and check it out.


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