>> On 29 Oct 2002 06:30:49, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randal L. Schwartz) said:

   > However, I hate typing it.  I hate having to type </foo> when I get
   > to the ending level.  I want to just type a right-paren, watch my
   > editor flash the corresponding left paren, and be done with it.

This came up in my tech talk on presentation software, and is why I'm
still using MagicPoint rather than writing AxPoint XML presentations by
hand.  Hitting tab is a lot more pleasing than typing <point level="2">.
Of course, you can apply a filter and turn your POD into AxPoint's XML,
blah, but it seems that you're ostensibly expected to talk XML to
computers.  Which is their job, not ours.  :-)

<cue presentation software arguments all over again>

- Chris.  
$a="printf.net";  Chris Ball | chris@void.$a | www.$a | finger: chris@$a
              "Today is the car of the cdr of your life."

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