On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 02:14, Paul Makepeace wrote
> > If you still want to go ahead, my accountant persuaded me some years ago
> > that a change from self employment back to [my dormant] limited company
> > would be best for me (IR35 doesn't apply here [so far]).
> I'm in this situation - I have a dormant company and am thinking of
> going the sole trader route for longer [I got back from the States in
> Feb]. Do you recall the reasons s/he gave for awakening your company? I
> found the .ltd.uk a pain to be honest, and the pay-offs (executive
> pension, NI dodging) didn't make it worthwhile for me. Still, open to
> suggestion...

Not all the reasons, but one of the main ones (still) is that you can
play tunes with NI and dividends that you can't with "self-employment".
The costs also are now, at the end of the day, similar. Don't get me
wrong here: when I started self-employment it really was *much* better
than running my Ltd company. Now it is merely comparable. Our beloved
Chancellor has slowly eroded quite a few of the cost savings that were
still available 10-15 years ago.

The other main reason I had to resurrect it was that I wanted to do a
largish job for BT Martlesham. Although I was already a "normal" BT
approved contractor, they had their own system. They wanted to treat me
as a 'body' (to get thru their system). I was in the interesting
position of polling their approved body shops for their commissions to
give them my work (if you see what I mean), I finally managed 7 1/2%.
(Some of them wanted 40%).

It is the only time I ever worked thru one of these organisations and I
must say that, in this case, they were very good.
My accountant has a website, which I hesitate to recommend, but whose
services I do: http://www.taxnoproblem.co.uk/. Have chat to him and he
will probably give you some hints.

Dirk Koopman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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