On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 12:30:31PM +0000, Dirk Koopman wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-01-03 at 12:15, David Cantrell wrote:
> > Sure, thanks for volunteering to package it for me and convert my
> > configuration.
> Ok, I am always up for a challenge. I already maintain a set of RH7 and
> RH8 RPMS of exim + exiscan patch. What's so special about your config
> then?

One of the things that I've noticed from being on the exim lists for
some time, and that Phil has in fact commented on before now, is the
sheer number of different things people want to do with email. My
mailserver runs a fairly complex configuration, which, under 3.x
required source patches, but in 4.x those patches were integrated into
the main distribution. This was not possible to convert automatically,
I spent the better part of a weekend testing it and re-testing it, and
running the two configurations in parallel. I still got stuff slightly

The point here, in my humble opinion, is that the old adage of "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it" really applies here. If the system is doing
what you want, then there's very little point in going through the
3.x to 4.x pain. The problem with exim, if it can indeed be called a
problem, is that it's too flexible, so different people want completely
different things out of it. No one automated conversion is going to
capture every subtlety of the configuration, certainly, convert4r4 made
a few mistakes in my case.

I can certainly see the point of many on this list who don't want to
go through the whole "rewrite my configuration, do extensive testing,
then switch" cycle. I only did it because there were features in 4.x
that I needed at that time.

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