On Fri, Jan 10, 2003 at 10:07:08AM +0000, Joel Bernstein wrote:
> When the lovely snow was coming down, Robin Szemeti and I discussed how
> we should do a London.PM-On-The-Piste social this winter. I was hoping
> to gauge opinion on this... Would anybody be interested in a weekend in
> the Alps skiing or snowboarding?

I'm in. The weekend of the 14th is bad for me, as I'm in NY to see the missus.
It might be as well to avoid the weekend of the 8th-9th as well.

Might I tentatively suggest the last weekend in Feb?

Could I also suggest a high resort, to avoid problems with lack of snow - especially
for beginners?

One resort I'm particularly fond of is Saas-Fee, in Switzerland,

It's a very friendly, and family resort, and was the resort used in Wham's Last 
Xmas video, for the pop-pickers among us.

The only drawbacks are that it's a 3hr train, then a 1 hr bus from either Geneva
and Zurich. Flights are definitely available from LTN, LHR and LGW, but obviously
City would be easier for most people.

This might be a bit of a long journey for just a weekend, but the resort really is
very nice. I spent 2001 there and it was great.

Anyway, enough of my rambling. Anyone else got a resort in mind?


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