On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 12:08:29PM +0000, Ben wrote:
> OK. No-one's posted about this for almost a week, so I thought I'd reopen
> the discussion. 
> I think we need to decide: Who? Where? When? How Long?
> Then we can go and book it. :)
> I'm not electing myself cat herder or anything, I'd just like this to happen, so
> I propose that anyone who's up for it follows up to this mail, then we take it
> to private mail to avoid cluttering the main list, unless everyone else doesn't
> mind wuffle about skiing. 
> Summary of my recollections:
> Who:    Ben, robin, Joel, ... I know there were others?
> When:   Last week in Feb? Or some other time. Trying to avoid FOSDEM and Valentines
> Where:  Unknown. Val d'Isere, Chamonix and Saas Fee have been mentioned as possible.
>         More ideas? "Somewhere high up with mountains"?
> Time:   "A long weekend". Fly out Thursday night, take friday off, fly back sunday 
>         night? Other ideas?

Sounds good. I'd be up for that, definitely. Do I infer, then, that
people would prefer not to take more than one day off? ie, friday OR
monday, not both? I have to say, the expense and hassle of travelling to
the alps for 3 days is appealing, but 4 days skiing would be better ;-)

I'll make some enquiries about pricing once we have a group size, if
people would like that. I'm assuming (unless people bring friends or
loved ones) that we're not going to be a big enough group to qualify for
any sort of group discount. IIRC, they usually offer a free place (or
half place) to groups of nine or ten... 

If we do qualify, can we agree that any group free place discounts will
be an overall reduction in what we pay, rather than one person
nominating themself as the ggroup leader and snaffling the free place? I
think there's probably fairly little organisation involved in something
like this, beyond making sure that everybody has their tickets etc. This
was my experience last time I organised a skitrip with friends (Dec

I'm definitely interested. I think Robin was, and maybe Leon. Beyond
that, I don't know.


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