On Tue 11 Feb, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:

> > Hrm, perl doesn't use UTF-8 for it's internal representation of strings ?
> I may be misremembering things somewhat. The cloudy things I remember
> are that the version of perl shipped with RH8 uses a slightly geb0rken
> 16 bit implementation (who is the guy who is developing it? ISTR he's
> thrown out or totally changed how it works) the cripples performance. If
> you unset LANG perl goes a lot quicker.

I must try that. I am an amateur and I use an overly complicated and badly
written script to process legal material, turning it from basic HTML and
text into fully marked-up HTML. I used to run it on an Acorn RPC using
Nicholas Clark's port of Perl but it started taking longer and longer to run
(because there was much more material). Eventually it used to take 5 hours.

So I bought a fastish machine from Digital Networks last year and the time
was reduced to 5 minutes on RH 7.2.

I then tried it on a reasonably fast netbook on which I had put RH8. After
15 hours I gave up on it ... Possibly not enough memory (although more than
the Acorn) and the machine is going back to DN to correct another problem,
but it did seem excessive. (My main machine is still running RH 7.2 as a

Roger H.
Roger Horne
11 New Square, Lincoln's Inn, London WC2A 3QB

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