Given the feedback on suggestions about perl debugger tutorials, I
don't think many perl *users* use the debugger, so to me that explains why
no-one in the world noticed it sooner. To most perl users, the debugger is
not fundamental.
I'd use it if I knew how <shrug>.
The perl debugger is about as much fun as ed. Also, many people use perl wrapped up inside some web environment which makes it not conducive to debugging with the debugger.

But I think that's a shame, because a debugger really ought to be more fun than print statements. For all I know Activestate's Visual Debugger is great. In fact I think I'll try it out.

If someone could just integrate the debugger with Vim that'd be a start. Last I tried gdb (ooh, 4 years ago) it crashed all the time.

AFAIK Python, Ruby et all don't have great debuggers either. Perl of course has the world's most helpful error messages, so maybe that's why ppl don't need the debugger.

Jonathan Peterson
Technical Manager, Unified Ltd, +44 (0)20 7383 6092

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