On Tuesday 11 February 2003 17:54, Dirk Koopman wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-02-11 at 16:50, Roger Horne wrote:
> > On Tue 11 Feb, Dave Hodgkinson wrote:
> > > > Hrm, perl doesn't use UTF-8 for it's internal representation of
> > > > strings ?
> > >
> > > I may be misremembering things somewhat. The cloudy things I remember
> > > are that the version of perl shipped with RH8 uses a slightly geb0rken
> > > 16 bit implementation (who is the guy who is developing it? ISTR he's
> > > thrown out or totally changed how it works) the cripples performance.
> > > If you unset LANG perl goes a lot quicker.
> >
[snipetty snip]
> Methinks there is much smelly fish in Perl 5.8.0 UTF implementation and
> also in RH8.0's internationalisation stuff / port of perl. A standard
> 'cure' seems to be to rename /etc/sysconfig/i18n to something else (eg
> i18n.orig) and then restart the machine.
> Suddenly things like man pages start to come out in something
> approaching english (ie without a load accented a's instead of <tab> and
> stuff) and your perl goes a lot faster.

The most mentioned work around on the KDE lists (where this problem screws up 
the build process) is to 'export LANG=C' before running things. The problem 
is due to LANG defaulting to en_US.UTF or some such thing in RH8. This can be 
changed permanently by altering /etc/sysconfig/i18n as Dirk mentioned.


/me waves to the crowd as a newbie in this here town!
Sean McGlynn

Where's hindsight when you need it?

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