On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 11:45:53AM -0000, Andy wrote:
> Hi,
> I've decided to enter the 21st century and buy a PDA.
> Does anyone have any recommendations?
> As a minimum I'll need the follwoing:
> 1) Get at my email using my mobile phone as the modem..... I guess Bluetooth
> is the best way of doing this.
> 2) Read Word and Excel docs that people keep sending me.... grrrr!!
> 3) Read PDF docs
> 4) Usual calendar type stuff.
> 5) Games for those boring train journeys :)
> Any ideas would be great.
> Andy
---end quoted text---

The iPaq does all that, but be sure to get one with lots of memory as
the WinCE PDF reader is something like 9 Meg IIRC.

You can play doom on it too, but the controls can get a bit annoying.

When you get bored, you can reflash it and install Linux on it. There
are versions of python, perl, tcl, java and ruby for it and thttp to
host a website.

Downsides to the iPaq that I'm aware of is it's IR port is relatively
weak, so using it as a TV remove control means an effective range of 10


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