On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 12:47:55PM +0100, Earle Martin wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 11:47:38AM +0100, Lusercop wrote:
> > [various people talking, nusked]
> >
> > I don't think the above concern is likely to be valid, and fwiw, I don't
> > think this is too much of a pain, given that they've been extremely good
> > to us, even if the security guards last time didn't know. It's also a venue
> > that isn't too hard to get to. I'm all for staying with Yahoo! even in light
> > of this policy.
> Why has nobody pointed out that it's just a BOX TO ENTER YOUR NAME? It took me
> more time just now to cough! Christ, if people are going to bitch and moan about
> something, let it be something that involves more than 0.8 seconds' typing
> something that you don't even have to bloody remember. If it's not that, then
> what possible reason can there be for it to be 'a pain'? The almighty effort
> of following the URL to the form?

You're not stating the important point.
We previously had a box to enter our name. It was the sign in sheet on
the security guard's desk at the Yahoo! building. You didn't have to do
it in advance, which means that anyone who decided to come to the tech
meeting on spec could do so.

Now we have to be organised. Fortunately not very organised - lunchtime
same day is no hardship. But it does require some organisational discipline.

However, I think it's worthwhile considering that Yahoo! is an excellent
venue. (And even gave us beer).

Nicholas Clark

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