On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Alex Hudson wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 15, 2003 at 01:18:50PM +0100, Nigel Wetters wrote:
> > I could dispense with the database if I created a second (non-distributed)
> > program that used the database to build the distributed program. Does the
> > distributed program still need to carry the liceses for the original data??
> I don't understand what you're suggesting here - are you saying that by
> writing a second program which produces the first, you somehow get around
> the copyright of the data? Unlikely.

The programs as distributed are then free. Any data they generate using 
third party sources might not be. This is valid. A distribution of the 
generated data is not free.


Shevek                                    http://www.anarres.org/
I am the Borg.                         http://www.gothnicity.org/

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