On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 06:09:31AM -0500, Elaine -HFB- Ashton wrote:
> Well, you know.....years ago I suggested that there be a series of Perl
> for kids cartoons with jingles in the vein of School House Rock [
> www.schoolhouserock.com ] which were educational cartoons shown on
> saturday mornings with the regular cartoons. 30 years later I can still
> remember every lyric and every tune [ listen to some of the clips and
> you'll understand...even Jarkko found "lolly,lolly,lolly..." to be
> viciously addictive. Someday someone might even take my idea seriously :)

To this day I cannot recite the preamble to the US constitution
without singing it.   I remember being in school wishing they had done
the Gettysburg address too, since I had to memorize both in the same
grading period in school.

Too bad that not all of the songs they added for the DVD were up to
the same quality.  

I still wish I had the parody from the Simpsons about how a
constitutional amendment is passed.


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