Michael Stevens wrote:
Sun have an article on something they seem to call "Fast Web Services",
which appears to be keeping standard web services APIs, but putting
the data in an efficient binary format on the wire at

Apparently it's very fast, although I can't help but feel that
they've gone through vast effort to reinvent RMI, which they already

But RMI was never going to see the same adoption as Web Services. With their thing they have something that they can tell developers that don't want to know anything about what's going on under the hood "just tweak that option to go faster if the other endpoint supports it".

I still dislike it for being specific to Web Services though. And there are a bunch of issues in there that I don't know (yet) how they plan to address. But then I'm not on the X.695 gang.

Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Research Engineer, Expway        http://expway.fr/
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