Je 2003-09-02 18:01:12 +0100, Ben skribis:
> I mean, the RDA for vitamin C is only, what, 60 milligrams?

That's right -- at the same time there's plenty of dissention about
whether that's enough, and in what circumstances. Dousing your
bloodstream in anti-oxidants (C, E, polyphenols, etc) during & following
intense anaerobic activity is thought to help mop up free radicals that
are a product of (amongst other things) heavy lactic acid production,
e.g. sprinting, weights, i.e. any short duration high intensity bout.

You can buy 1g megadose Vit C tablets at $chemist[rand @chemists] and I
haven't read any contra- indications on them ("may result in pissing
shards" or somesuch).


Paul Makepeace .......................................

"If we can't draw, then or, just stick to the tried and true - the
 missionary position."

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