On Tue, Sep 02, 2003 at 06:19:05PM +0100, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> Je 2003-09-02 18:01:12 +0100, Ben skribis:
> > I mean, the RDA for vitamin C is only, what, 60 milligrams?

Right.  That's the amount determined to stave off scurvy[1].  The RDA
doesn't say anything about if you should have more, or the benefits
of having more vitamin C in your diet.  

Linus Pauling had some pretty strong opinions on this -- grams per
day IIRC.
> You can buy 1g megadose Vit C tablets at $chemist[rand @chemists] and I
> haven't read any contra- indications on them ("may result in pissing
> shards" or somesuch).

Actually, contraindications with large (oral?) doses of vitamin C involve
something called "bowel tolerance".  Don't know where pissing shards is
on the spectrum.  :-)


[1] Yes, scurvy is still around.  Mostly with frat boys who subsist
    on beer, soda, white bread, hot dogs, chips and burgers.

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