Ok now, i know partitioning can sometimes be a contentious issue, and
there's not generally a "one right way". Being as that is the case though,
i'm going to be rebuilding a machine shortly and thought i'd ask for
opinions on the partition structure i'm considering:

2x80 gig hard drives

drive1:  30meg        /boot                  ext3
        244meg        /                      reiserfs
        750meg        swap
        remaining     lvm physical volume

drive2: 1024meg       swap
        remaining     lvm physical volume

Both lvm physical volumes added to a single lvm volume group, totalling

That lvm volume group then initially split into the following lvm logical

/usr                2gigs              reiserfs
/usr/local          1gig               reiserfs
/var                500meg             reiserfs
/home               25gigs             reiserfs

with /opt -> /usr/local

So, what do people think? anything i'm doing there that sounds silly?
Also, i'm going to eventually have several uml and vmware machines on
here. Should i create users for these and plonk their files into the home
directories, or should i put them somewhere in /var (with an appropriate
extension in size of course)? Or is there somewhere else that it's better
to put them?


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