On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Shevek wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Jody Belka wrote:
> > /usr                2gigs              reiserfs
> This is too small by far.

I'm curious as to why? I don't really think i'm going to need any more.

> > /usr/local          1gig               reiserfs
> Why bother having this separate? I used to have a lot of stuff in local
> but now that I use portage, I have nothing in it.

As Chris said in one of his replies, it makes things much easier if/when i
need to trash the o/s, as my non-package managed custom stuff will stay
intact without any difficulty.

> > /var                500meg             reiserfs
> This is too small by far for any nontrivial purpose.

well, there's not really going to be much running on the base system. most
of the fun stuff will be going on in virtual machines i think. I'll
probably follow Paul's suggestions over certain /var subdirectories though

> With LVM, does it really matter? You can just resize on the fly when you
> work out that you messed up. I don't suppose it works quite as nicely as
> Tru64 with optional rebalancing though.

Yep, I can resize on the fly, but I thought i'd try and get a good initial
layout anyway, so that i'm not immediately having to resize stuff all
over the place.

Thanks for the advice,


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