Je 2003-09-10 23:45:11 +0100, Jody Belka skribis:
> > > /usr/local          1gig               reiserfs
> >
> > Why bother having this separate? I used to have a lot of stuff in local
> > but now that I use portage, I have nothing in it.
> As Chris said in one of his replies, it makes things much easier if/when i
> need to trash the o/s, as my non-package managed custom stuff will stay
> intact without any difficulty.

I've heard this argument quite a bit and (of course this is IMO) I don't
buy the cost/benefit. a) how often do you trash your base OS? On a
server? b) how hard is mv or cp -a /usr/local /some/other/place 
versus the pain of having /usr fill up and /usr/local being a lush,
tantalising oasis of space?

On my primary server, just fyi,
$ df -k /usr
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda5              2885780   1481152   1258040  55% /usr

/usr/src/linux & its .bz2 is 200MB alone. 2GB is not enough, IMO. If you
ever find yourself deleting (say) /usr/src/linux in search of space you
are wasting time & energy.

And then there's the whole other tack of "fsck it, let the kernel worry
about it", (e.g. my dev. workstation)

$ df -k
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/hdb6             38448276   7408920  29086256  21% /
/dev/hdb7               790556    488476    261920  66% /var
/dev/hdb1                31079     13083     16392  45% /boot

The _moment_ you start pissing about moving files around to work with a
full partition you may well find you have anulled any possible marginal
benefit of using partitions.


Paul Makepeace .......................................

"If break chickens into little parts, then I'd need an extra piece."

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