On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Paul Makepeace wrote:
> > /var                500meg             reiserfs
> (This seems small for your desired multiple VM role.)

> > or should i put them somewhere in /var (with an appropriate
> > extension in size of course)?


> Think about the major apps on your machine. If you're going to have
> databases consider where you'll be keeping them. PostgreSQL for example
> eats multiples of 16MB for its pg_xlog files. I have quite a bit going
> on but not much really in terms of pure dump volume, yet 135MB in
> /var/lib/postgres (Debian's default.)

i think any database is likely to go on a virtual machine, along with a
lot of other daemons, but thanks for reminding me to think about it. ta.

> If I was re-doing my server I would hive off /var/log and /var/mail -
> nothing like some PHP program going nuts, gobbling 600MB of log files
> and preventing mail working. BTDT.

Sounds like i good tip, thanks.

> In summary: work out the role of your machine, the major apps running on
> it, and where you expect each app to consume space. Sum it all, then at
> least quadruple it. Remember FSs work best at 50% or so capacity. There
> is absolutely no point in trying to save a gig here or there when you
> have 160 of them. I have in the recent months wasted a few hours
> shuffling stuff around /var and /var/lib to retain space, pissed a few
> people off, and all for the sake of a few hundred megs.
> (Different /usr & /usr/local seems pointless to me. YMMV.)

Well, the base machine won't have much on it in terms of daemons. A couple
of printers hanging off CUPS, an LDAP daemon, and Samba/NFS to share lots
of files. All the interesting stuff will be running inside virtual
machines; a backup smtp server, a couple of windows boxes. some other
stuff i can't quite remember now. I'm not yet sure if i'll throw the dns
onto the base machine or add a UML box for that as well.

My other server machine, which has the same size hard drives, will have a
similar base, but will be running the main mail server, probably pg, and
several apache configurations. again, i know there was some other stuff
but i can't recall it right now.

At the moment i've used up about 160gigs over the two machines, but when
i've got all this done hopefully i'll finally have the time to go through
everything and rationalise a bit. i'll probably be able to dump quite a
bit of it tbh. I'm also hoping to get a new box soon which will be running
purely as a media server, connected to the tv and av system, and that
should take some of the file load off the other systems.

Thanks for the advice,


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