Don and others who have offered information and advice,

I was eventually able to build a kernel by #defining nsprintf to printk.
This kernel ended up being significantly smaller than the bootable image
included in ltsp 3.0. The problem turned out to be that I needed to do a
"make modules_install". This built the modules in "/lib/modules/2.4.9/...".
I needed to make a copy of the modules using the ltsp path that the boot
code looks for ("...-ltsp-5"). I next ran the "buildk" script. This resulted
in a kernel image of approximately the same size as the standard ltsp

Unfortunately, something seems to have gotten broken. When I boot, I do not
get a login prompt. The screen is all gray and the cursor works but no login
prompt. I have been attempting to debug it with no success. It seems to be a
"kdm" problem of some sort but I have no idea what the problem is or how to
fix it.

I restored the original kernel but it still will not boot in X windows. I
can get a bash prompt (level 3) or telnet (level 4). When I try to boot into
level 5, it just displays the gray screen with the X cursor but nothing else
happens. I can not find any files that were obviously damaged.  The system
was running normally until I performed the "make modules_install" and
"buildk". That was the last time that it worked. I have RH 7.2 on the
server, with most of the RedHat upgrades that have been released. This
includes kde 2.2.2 and koffice 1.1.1 but the original kernel that was
included in RH7.2 (2.4.7-10).

There doesn't seem to be a good way to debug from the client. On the server,
it's possible to select "alt/ctrl/F1" in order to get a virtual terminal and
login. Then the logs and other things can be examined. On the client, it is
only possible to get a bash shell OR boot to X. There isn't a way to examine
any logs if the system boots to level 4 or 5.

Does anyone know what is wrong or have any information that will help to get
the system working again.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Don Burns" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "G. Major" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 5:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Ltsp-discuss] AGP support

> I am probably a bit further than you in this pursuit and while I still
> haven't found how to get AGP working correctly, I have gotten the drivers
> to work in PCI mode and I can give you some information based on my
> experience so far.  There is, BTW, a good HOW-TO on the LTSP web site that
> is a little outdated but a good starting point.
> I found that I had to build a kernel to get my NVidia driver to compile
> correctly.  So, go get a fresh 2.4.9 kernel source, use the instructions
> in the LTSP document to build a kernel, modules and do a 'make
> modules_install'.
> Here are my notes:
>  o Get kernel source for LTSP distro
>  o Use config file from ltsp_initrd_kit
>  o make kernel (even though you aren't going to use it)
>      make xconfig
>      make dep
>      make clean
>      make bzImage
>      make modules
>      make modules_install
>  o Get NVidia kernel modules src and build with :
>      make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux-2.4.9/include NVdriver
>    Note : I had to redefine an unresolved snprintf to sprintf to get this
>    to compile ?!?
>  o Copy this to target location (like this):
>      cp NVdriver
>  o Perform a depmod
>   something like
> depmod -b /opt/ltsp/i386/lib/modules/2.4.9-ltsp-5 \
>        -C /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/conf.modules\
>        -F /usr/src/linux-2.4.9-ltsp/...
>    I couldn't get this to work.  In this case, just edit
>    /opt/ltsp/i386/lib/modules/2.4.9-ltsp-5/modules.dep
>    and add the line :
>         /lib/modules/2.4.9-ltsp-5/kernel/drivers/video/NVdriver.o:
>     (a bit sloppy, I know)
>   o edit /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf and add :
>   MODULE_02 = NVdriver
>   o Now, the LTSP scheme for building an XF86config file doesn't work with
>     Nvidia Xserver.  So... /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/X11/XF86config-4 MUST exist.
>     To get it right, I took the following steps:
>      - Boot with the default XF86config file.
>      - From a serial terminal connection, cat the /tmp/XF86Config file to
>        the screen and do a cut-and-paste to /tmp/XF86config-4 on the
> Note : You need rsh and LOCAL_APPS to do this step unless you have your
> own way of getting a shell on the DC.
>      - Copy /tmp/XF86config-4 to <ltsp_root>/etc/X11/XF86config-4
>      - Edit <ltsp_root>/etc/X11/XF86config-4 and change "nv" to "nvidia"
>   o Add the NVIDIA_GLX files needed
>      - On the server
>      rpm -q NVIDIA_GLX --list > /tmp/temp
>      - Edit /tmp/temp and remove all unecessary files
>        remove leading '/'.
>      - Tar and untar
> % cd /
>      % tar cvf /tmp/nv.tar `cat /tmp/temp`
> % cd <ltsp_root>
> % tar xvf /tmp/nv.tar
>       - Make all the right links :
> % cd <ltsp_root>/usr/lib
> % ln -s
> % ln -s
> % cd /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions
> % mv libglx.a libglx.a.nonnv
> % ln -s
> Piece of cake, eh?
> Cheers,
> -don
> On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, G. Major wrote:
> > I am running a GeForce2 Ti in my workstation and server. I have not been
> > able to get the nVidia drivers running in the workstation. When I tried
> > build them I got a number of undefined symbols.
> >
> > I also have not been able to successfully use modprobe or lsmod in the
> > workstation. I will post these separately when I have made more sense of
> > problems.
> >
> > In any event, could someone please post the nVidia kernel and GL drivers
> > built for the default ltsp kernels. There are probably a number of
> > who could make use of this, if it is possible to do.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Rob
> >
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