I'm running Debian stable (Woody), and am trying to install LTSP 4.0. Everything is working, except the DHCP server. I get the following error in /var/log/syslog:

 No subnet declaration for eth0 (
 ** Ignoring requests on eth0.  If this is not what
    you want, please write a subnet declaration
    in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment
    to which interface eth0 is attached. **

 Not configured to listen on any interfaces!

This is my /etc/dhcpd.conf:

ddns-update-style            none;

default-lease-time           21600;
max-lease-time               21600;

option subnet-mask ;
option broadcast-address;
option routers     ;
option domain-name-servers;
option domain-name           "home.traas.org";

option root-path             "";

option option-128 code 128 = string;
option option-129 code 129 = text;

subnet netmask {
    use-host-decl-names      on;
    option log-servers;
    subnet netmask {
        range dynamic-bootp;

A simple glance at ifconfig tells me that eth0 is correctly running on, and the netmask is also correct. Uplink to the net is on eth1, which is, in fact, working.

The setup I'm going for is to have the clients on, and not have to do messy things like specify thier MAC addresses; I just want to be able to dynamically add/delete clients at will.

Anyone have any idea on this? Never really messed with DHCP before.

Also, will this work with PXE? I have a VIA EPIA board with onboard LAN, and I have confirmed it boots on an LTSP LAN.

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        --Albert Einstein

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