On Mon, Mar 02, 2009 at 04:54:09PM -0800, Nicholas Metsovon wrote:
> > > An even easier way is to run DSL in text mode (I
> > believe you type:  DSL 2   at the boot prompt), then run X
> > like this:  X -query myltspserver
> > > 
> > > That'll give you a full desktop gui from the ltsp
> > server.  I have to give credit to Les Mikesell on the
> > K12LTSP list for teaching me this trick years
> > > ago.
> > > 
> > A couple of clarifications:  
> > 
> > 1)  you need to be root to do this (booting DSL 2 will give
> > you a root prompt)
> > 2)  XDMCP needs to be enabled on the server, I think.
> > 
> > -Rob
> Thanks.  Have you tried it on DSL lately?  I just get a whole bunch of text 
> telling me the different options - like I'm not passing it something it 
> needs. 
No I haven't, but I'll check in the next couple of days and report back.  In 
the meantime, give Knoppix a try.  Enter "knoppix 2" at
the boot prompt.  I have tried that fairly recently.


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