On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 12:52:39PM -0800, john wrote:
> Hi all,
> One of the reasons I originally found LTSP compelling was the modest
> specs required of the thin clients. Lately I've been feeling like my
> flavor of Linux/LTSP (ubuntu) has entered the same kind of systems
> requirement arms-race that I thought I left behind when we moved away
> from workstations running XP.
> I used to be able to run PII's with 128 mb ram no problem. These days
> 256 Mb on the client seems to be the minimum and 512
> is preferred. I still have lots of PII's lying around, and I suspect
> vast portions of LTSP's potential user base may be working with older
> technology as well. If the future of LTSP means you have to buy new
> hardware to use it seems like a much less compelling solution.
I just did some more testing.  I had previously failed to successfully boot a 
P2 233 MHz machine, but it seemed my problems were video
card related.  I installed a pretty good video card -- lspci reports it as 
NV34GL Quadro FX 500/600 PCI (although it's AGP) -- and I
can boot successfully. 

The server is Debian Lenny with LTSP 5.  I booted the P2 thin client with a
gPXE cd.

With 64 MB of RAM, the P2 thin client boots fine and I can run multiple
tabs in Iceweasel and Epiphany.  I was able to watch this video in
Iceweasel and Epiphany, but the video was choppy:

Note that I am not using Adobe's flash player, but the free one that came
with my distro.

I didn't notice much improvement by stepping up to 128 MB RAM, but I
didn't test it extensively.

I dropped it down to 32 MB RAM and tried it again.  It booted!  LDM took a
long time to appear -- first the background and the text box, then the text
graphics, then the "preferences" button.  After logging in, it actually was
pretty usable.  I was able to play the above flash video in Epiphany.  I
opened Iceweasel, but it crashed the thin client.  I had saved a session
with 5 tabs open, and it was attempting to load those 5 tabs on startup.
They were not multimedia -- just links from linuxtoday.com.

What does it all mean?  I'm not sure.  I can say that changing the video
card on this machine made a big improvement (it can now boot from LTSP 5
whereas before it could not).  I've also seen a greater success rate using
gPXE rather than Etherboot.  I'm not sure why.


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