Hi all,

I've got ltsp-5.2.4 on Debian Squeeze up and running, it's running great... except... USB local devices are not working. Some stuff is firing, but it seems that lbmount doesn't seem to be doing it's job.

The setup is as follows, Linux-Vserver guest as the host LTSP server. AMD64 install with a i386 chroot.

Here's some results from the clients command line, based on instructions adapted from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebugLocalDev . I've given it a 'clean start' here, deleted all the stuff that get produced and mounted when it doesn't work:

Add /tmp/:
ssh -X -S /var/run/ldm_socket_2565_192.168.0.251 "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter /tmp add"
Wrote cf21c258724be8d219dff19b8f9ee946 size 32, waiting
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /tmp/.ben-ltspfs/tmp,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

suid mount failed: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '/tmp/.ben-ltspfs/tmp'

Now attempt to remove it:
r...@ltsp22:~# ssh -X -S /var/run/ldm_socket_2565_192.168.0.251 "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter /tmp remove"
Error: /media/ben/tmp is not mounted
Error: /media/ben/tmp unmountabler...@ltsp22:~#

Now attempt to cleanup:
ssh -X -S /var/run/ldm_socket_2565_192.168.0.251 "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter /tmp cleanup"
fusermount: failed to clone namespace: Operation not permitted
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter", line 126, in <module>
  File "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter", line 121, in main
  File "/usr/sbin/ltspfsmounter", line 83, in cleanup
OSError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy: '/tmp/.ben-ltspfs/tmp'

So, any clues? My only thought is to re-write a quick rudimentary version of lbmount in bash and see if that works. What parameter does it need to take if I do this? It's seems it takes "dev", but I don't know whether that should be a full device string or just the (for example) sda1 bit.

From Ben Green

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